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Support measures for the ukrainian scientific community - Public selection for granting no. 1 scholarships for graduates

Support measures for the ukrainian scientific community - Public selection for granting no.

CALL FOR PAPERS: E-MRS 2022 Fall Meeting Symposium G “New frontiers in wide-band-gap semiconductors and heterostructures for electronics, optoelectronics and sensing”.

The E-MRS 2022 Fall Meeting will be held at the Main Campus of the Warsaw University of Technology - Plac Politechniki 1- Warsaw, Poland, on 19-22 September 2022.

Perovskite-based Photovoltaics: new concrete perspectives @CNR-IMM Catania

EUREKA! TT s.r.l.  the investment company of “Eureka!

SYMPOSIUM K: Materials- nanoelectronics and nanophotonics

This symposium will cover:

IMM-CNR di Catania aderisce all'iniziativa "Un minuto di silenzio, guardandoci negli occhi"

Martedì 8 marzo, alle ore 13, tutta la comunità del CNR ha osservato un minuto di silenzio ritrovandosi negli spazi antistanti la propria sede lavorativa.

In memory of Vito Raineri

The Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems remembers his colleague and friend Vito Raineri, who prematurely passed away ten years ago, in January 2012.



The International Conference on Silicon Carbide and R

WODIM 2016, the 19th Workshop on Dielectrics in Microelectronics

WODIM 2016 has taken place from 27-30 June 2016 at the Hotel Baia Verde,


Materials.it 2016 will be the first Italian National Conference on M