
Photonics is one of the 6 Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) that EU has identified as strategic for the sustainable growth of Europe, and in CNR is one of the 4 strategic areas of our Department (Physical Sciences and Technologies for Matter, DSFTM).

In IMM Photonics is mainly focused on Si based devices, and it is part of a number of research projects, whose general objectives are:

  1. monolithic integration of optical / electrical interconnects for microlectronics and for fiber communications (including quantumcryptography);
  2. development of photonic devices, sensors, microsystems, diagnostic techniques, and imaging techniques for biomedical and other applications;
  3. development of next generation solar cells.

Here at the Catania Headquarter, the main interest are in the area of solar cells and photonic devices for biomedical applications. Below such activities are described in some detail.

Efficiency Enhancement and Reliability of New Generation High Performance Solar Cells



Team: Salvatore Lombardo, Andrea Scuto, Luca Valenti, Ting Ting Han, Stefania Privitera (CNR-IMM, Catania)


The Staebler and Wronski light soaking effect is a well...
