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Green Ammonia Cycle: EU H2020-Project TELEGRAM aiming for efficient electrochemical technologies

Ammonia is one of the most important chemicals but its production requires an energy intensive process, responsible for about 1-2% of total CO2 emissions worldwide. Ammonia is...

Technical paper on Perovskite Solar Cells: IMM researchers in the team
Perovskite Solar Cells: A new paradigm in Photovoltaics

By Louis Huber; Dr. Alessandra Alberti; Dr. Ioannis Deretzis; Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nazeeruddin

published in www.pv-tech.org

Tomo-Image by Synchrotron Radiation of an advanced TiO2/Perovskite blend for Photovoltaics

3D-Reconstuction of the TiO2-Gig-Lox/MAPbI3 blend by Coherent X-ray Diffraction Imaging (CXDI) taken at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facilities (ESRF) of Grenoble

FREE Download of the...

Review paper on Hybrid Perovskites for Photovoltaics (FREE DOWNLOAD)

We are pleased to inform you that
our research group on Perovskites at CNR-IMM in Catania HQ has recently reviewed some main issues
on the stability of Hybrid Perovskites applied to...

Photo-electrochemical Water Splitting for Hydrogen production

Splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen is a key component of clean fuel and chemical synthesis from solar energy. One of the approaches to produce Hydrogen at low cost is to couple together...

Hybrid architectures for Dye and Perovskite Solar Cells

Dye (DSC) and Perovskite (PSC) solar cells are revolutionizing views and perspectives in the photovoltaics field so that their efficiency has been raised up to ~22% in only 8 years since the first...

Silicon solar cells based on advanced architectures and processes

The activity concerns the synthesis, fabrication and characterization of materials and solar cells based on innovative structures and advanced processes. New three dimensional...

Photo-electrochemical Water Splitting for Hydrogen production

Splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen is a key component of clean fuel and chemical synthesis from solar energy. The principle is that solar-light-driven electron-hole pairs in a semiconductor...

Efficiency Enhancement and Reliability of New Generation High Performance Solar Cells



Team: Salvatore Lombardo, Andrea Scuto, Luca Valenti, Ting Ting Han, Stefania Privitera (CNR-IMM, Catania)


The Staebler and Wronski light soaking effect is a well...