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Arrays of Single Photon Avalanche Detectors (SPAD) are considered today as a possible alternative to PMTs and other semiconductor devices in several applications, like physics research, bioluminescence, Positron Emission Tomography (PET) systems, etc. We have developed and characterized a first prototype array produced by STMicroelectronics in silicon planar technology and working at low voltage (30−40V) in Geiger mode operation. The single cell structure (size down to 20μm) and the geometrical arrangement give rise to appealing intrinsic characteristics of the device, such as photon detection efficiency, dark count map, cross-talk effects, timing and energy resolution. New prototypes are under construction with a higher number of pixels that have a common output signal to obtain a so-called SiPM (Silicon PhotoMultiplier) configuration.
Publication date: 
1 Feb 2007

A Campisi, L Cosentino, P Finocchiaro, A Pappalardo, F Musumeci, S Privitera, A Scordino, S Tudisco, G Fallica, D Sanfilippo, M Mazzillo, G Condorelli, Alessandro Piazza, G Valvo, S Lombardo, E Sciacca, G Bonanno, M Belluso

Biblio References: 
Volume: 571 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 350-354
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment