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The aim of this paper is to investigate on a statistical basis at the wafer level the relationship existing among the dark currents of the single pixel compared to the whole Silicon Photomultiplier array. This is the first time to our knowledge that such a comparison is made, crucial to pass this new technology to the semiconductor manufacturing standards. In particular, emission microscopy measurements and current measurements allowed us to conclude that optical trenches strongly improve the device performances.
Publication date: 
1 Jan 2011

Giuseppina Valvo, Alfio Russo, Delfo Sanfilippo, Giovanni Condorelli, Clarice Di Martino, Beatrice Carbone, P Fallica, Roberto Pagano, Sebania Libertino, Salvatore Lombardo

Biblio References: 
Pages: 21-27
unpublished The Second International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications