EUREKA! TT s.r.l. the investment company of “Eureka! Fund I - Technology Transfer" that finances proof-of-concept (poc) projects of italian universities and research centers has chosen to fund through an innovation contract the CNR - Microelectronics and Microsystems Institute. The Proof of Concept project named PerovSKY, targets the development of solar cells based on new Perovskite-based materials. The proposing team leaded by the Senior IMM Researcher Alessandra Alberti in tandem with the company KENOSISTEC srl (a leading company in the vacuum production process sector), using innovative techniques of deposition and treatment of materials, intends to overcome the current limits of stability and the cost of photovoltaic cells based on Perovskite. The innovative deposition technique, already protected by an international patent allows the dimensional scalability and the conformability of the deposit on any kind of substrate. The tangible breakthrough is opening the possibility to cover large areas that enables new applications such as in wearable electronics and in the architectural field to power household utilities.