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Electrons in graphene can show diffraction and interference phenomena fully analogous to light thanks to their Dirac-like energy dispersion. However, it is not clear how this optical analogy persists in nanostructured graphene, for example, with pores. Nanoporous graphene (NPG) consisting of linked graphene nanoribbons has recently been fabricated using molecular precursors and bottom-up assembly (Moreno et al. Science 2018, 360, 199). We predict that electrons propagating in NPG exhibit the interference Talbot effect, analogous to photons in coupled waveguides. Our results are obtained by parameter-free atomistic calculations of real-sized NPG samples based on seamlessly integrated density functional theory and tight-binding regions. We link the origins of this interference phenomenon to the band structure of the NPG. Most importantly, we demonstrate how the Talbot effect may be detected …
American Chemical Society
Publication date: 
12 Dec 2018

Gaetano Calogero, Nick R Papior, Bernhard Kretz, Aran Garcia-Lekue, Thomas Frederiksen, Mads Brandbyge

Biblio References: 
Volume: 19 Issue: 1 Pages: 576-581
Nano letters