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Experimental assessment of the strain tensor within a microstructure is challenging, especially for small mechanical deformations acting over submicron length scales. In this work, we fully characterize the spatial strain distribution within a suspended micro-disk laser made of Ge1-xSnx alloy, with fine resolution< 200 nm. We employ Scanning X-ray Diffraction Microscopy, a model-free method based on synchrotron radiation, to directly obtain maps of all components of lattice strain and rotation, including the shear strains, finding them on a magnitude~ 10-3. We correlate these small elastic deformations to structural defects and the relaxation of the three-dimensional microstructure, demonstrating the potential of an advanced X-ray microscopy technique for microelectronics.
IOP Publishing
Publication date: 
27 Sep 2024

Cedric Corley-Wiciak, Marvin Hartwig Zöllner, Agnieszka Anna Corley-Wiciak, Fabrizio Rovaris, Gianfranco Sfruncia, Giuseppe Nicotra, Ignati Zaitsev, Costanza Lucia Manganelli, Edoardo Zatterin, Davide Spirito, Anna Marzegalli, Tobias Schulli, Nils Von Den Driesch, Dan Buca, Francesco Montalenti, Carsten Richter, Giovanni Capellini

Biblio References: 
Volume: 114 Issue: 2 Pages: 145
ECS Transactions