The E-MRS 2022 Fall Meeting will be held at the Main Campus of the Warsaw University of Technology - Plac Politechniki 1- Warsaw, Poland, on 19-22 September 2022.
The conference will include 20 parallel symposia.
CNR-IMM will be co-organizer of the Symposium G entitled “New frontiers in wide-band-gap semiconductors and heterostructures for electronics, optoelectronics and sensing”.
The symposium will be will serve as a forum for experts from academia and industry to discuss the new frontiers and applications of wide bandgap materials.
Besides the consolidated SiC and GaN technologies, the symposium will focus also on future WBG materials (e.g., Ga2O3, ZnO, diamond), nanostructures (e.g., nanowires and nanorods) and novel 2D/3D heterojunctions formed by the integration of 2D materials (such as graphene, MoS2 and h-BN) with WBG semiconductors.
The deadline for abstract submission is June 6, 2022 (click here to submit your abstract)
The proceedings will be published on a Special Issue of Microelectronics Engineering.
Hot topics covered by the symposium:
- SiC homo- and hetero-epitaxy
- SiC processing and devices (MOS interfaces, contacts, doping by ion implantation, MOSFET reliability...)
- III-N heteroepitaxy (nucleation layers, defects, interfaces control,...)
- Bulk GaN: growth and vertical devices processing (Schottky, MOSFET, CAVET...)
- GaN HEMTs technology for RF and power electronics (contacts, dielectrics, approaches to normally off transistors, ...)
- Other emerging WBG semiconductors (Ga2O3, AlN, diamond)
- Thermal management in GaN and oxide devices
- III-Nitrides for optoelectronics and photovoltaics
- WBG materials for sensors, MEMS and NEMS
- 2D materials (graphene, MoS2, h-BN) and their integration with SiC or Nitride semiconductors
- Advanced characterizations (SPM, TEM, optical, electrical,...) of WBG materials and heterostructures
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
- Simone Rascunà (STMicroelectronics, Italy): Recent advances on 4H-SiC diode technology
- David Eon (Univ. Grenoble, France): Diamond: from material growth to power devices
- Alexander Georgakilas (Univ. Crete, Greece): Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) of novel III-V semiconductor heterostructure and nanostructure materials for advanced electronic
- Rositza Yakimova (Univ. Linkoping, Sweden): 2D-Materials heterostructures with Wide Band Gap Semiconductors
- Gosia Iwinska (Unipress, Poland): Recent progresses on bulk gallium nitride: from materials growth to vertical power devices
- Stefano Leone (Fraunhofer IAF, Germany): AlScN/GaN heterostructures grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition
Scientific committee members:
Simonpietro Agnello (Univ. Palermo, Italy) Daniel Alquier (Univ. Tours, France) Frank Altmann (Fraunhofer-IMWS, Germany) Daniel Araujo (Cadiz Univ, Spain) Mikael Bokowski (Unipress, Poland) Filippo Giannazzo (CNR-IMM, Italy) Philippe Godignon (CNM, Barcelona, Spain) Ferdinando Iucolano (STMicroelectronics, Italy) Francesco La Via (CNR-IMM, Italy) Mario Lanza (KAUST, Saudi Arabia) |
Mike Leszczynski (Unipress, Poland) Farid Medjdoub (Univ. Lille, France) Joana Catarina Mendes (Univ. Aveiro, Portugal) Gaudenzio Meneghesso (Univ. Padova, Italy) Angelo Messina (STMicroelectronics, Italy) Adrien Michon (CNRS-CRHEA, France) Lorenzo Rigutti (Univ. Rouen, France) Fabrizio Roccaforte (CNR-IMM, Italy) Mario Saggio (STMicroelectronics, Italy) Marianna Spankova (SAS-IEE, Slovakia) |
Symposium Organizers
CNR-IMM, Catania, Italy
MFA-EK, Hungary
Univ. of Padova, Italy