The objective of the European project WInSiC4AP is to contribute in developing reliable technology bricks for efficient and cost-effective applications addressing social challenges and market segments, where Europe is a recognized global leader (e.g., automotive, avionics, railway and defence).
The ultimate outcome of the WInSiC4AP project will be the design and the demonstration of enhanced SiC components for automotive, railway and avionic qualification driven by several applications: on-board battery chargers and DC-DC converters for HEVs, intelligent power converters of railway applications, inverters for avionics and aerospace applications, etc. The achievement of the objectives will be guaranteed by a wide range of competences and capabilities, e.g., innovative processing and components (gate oxides, contacts, passive components, interconnection technologies, etc.), reliability and failure modeling analyses, advanced packaging and bonding options, up to the design methodologies for high efficiency applications.
The Consortium is composed by 20 partners, including large companies, SMEs, Universities and Public Research Centers from 4 different EU countries.
- Distretto Tecnologico Sicilia Micro Nano Sistemi - DTSMNS, Italy
- STMicroelectronics, Italy
- University of Catania, Italy
- NEXTER Electronics, France
- VALEO Systems de Controle Moteurs, France
- IUNET, Italy
- University of Messina, Italy
- University of Praha, Czech Republic
- University of Hannover,Germany
- CNR-IMM, Italy
- ZODAERO, France
- APOJEE, France
- aPSI3D, France
- SAT, Italy
- Wührt, Germany
- University of Tours, France
- IMA, Czech Republic
- Enel-X, Italy
- Distretto Tecnologico Aerospaziale della Campania - DAC, Italy
The project activities will be supported with synergy between ECSEL JU and ESI funding.
Project Coordinator: Leoluca Liggio (DTSMNS)
Technical Coordinator: Antonio Imbruglia (STMicroelectronics, Italy)
Coordinator for CNR-IMM: Fabrizio Roccaforte