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Graphitic films of group III nitrides and group II oxides: platform for fundamental studies and applications (GRIFONE)

The GRIFONE project belongs to the European program "FET Flagship ERA-NET" (FLAG-ERA), which coordinates the integration of...



Hippocrates was a project by Distretto Tecnologico Micro and Nano Sistemi Sicilia S.c.a.r.l. (Sicily Technologic District Micro and Nano systems) sponsored by MIUR (...

ERG: Energy for a green society: from sustainable harvesting to smart distribution. Equipments, materials, design solutions and their applications

Project N. 270722-1-ERG


The research, development and demonstration activities performed inside the ERG project focus on the solar energy supply chain, starting form solar cells and proceeding along with innovative energy extraction (harvesting) techniques, high-efficiency power...

Nuove Tecnologie Fotovoltaiche per Sistemi Intelligenti Integrati in Edifici

PON01_01725, PON Ricerca e Competitività 2007-2013




Questo Progetto ha affrontato le problematiche del fotovoltaico con un approccio ampio, partendo dalla tecnologia delle celle...

Tecnologie per l’ENERGia e l’Efficienza energETICa (ENERGETIC)

Progetto PON02_00355_3391233

Soggetto Attuatore:Distretto Tecnologico Sicilia Micro e Nano Sistemi società consortile a responsabilità limitata (scarl)


Soci coinvolti:

Istituto per le Tecnologie Avanzate (ITA), Engineering...

ASTONISH: Advancing Smart Optical Imaging and Sensing for Health


The ageing population and related increase in chronic diseases put considerable pressure on both the healthcare system and the society, resulting in an unsustainable rise of healthcare costs. As a result there is an urgent need to improve efficiency of care and reduce hospitalisation...

Graphene heterostructures with Nitrides for high frequency Electronics

The project GraNitE is funded by MIUR in the framework of the European program "FET Flagship ERA-NET" (FLAG-ERA), which coordinates the integration of national/regional research into the work...

MANSiC - Promoting and structuring a Multidisciplinary Academic-Industrial Network through the hetero-polytype growth, characterisation and applications of 3C-SiC on hexagonal substrates

The aim of MANSiC project was to promote a multidisciplinary training network for young researchers based on the development of 3C-SiC technology. Indeed, this cubic polytype of SiC was for long set apart due to the lack of adequate substrate so that the heteroepitaxial layers...

NetFISiC - Training NETwork on Functional Interfaces for SiC

The project NetFISiC (Training NETwork on Functional Interfaces for SiC) was a Marie-Curie Initial Training Network. The main scientific objective of NetFISiC was to provide Silicon Carbide material (of various polytypes) with improved and adequate functional interfaces for...

Ambition Power (PON01_00700)

The project Ambition Power operated in the field of Energy/Energy Saving within the national program PON “Ricerca e Competitività 2007-2013”. The project was focused in the field of power electronics, i.e., in a specific sector which include about 30% of the semiconductor world...

LAST POWER - Large Area silicon carbide Substrates and heTeroepitaxial GaN for POWER device applications

The aim of the European project LAST POWER  was to develop equipments, materials and processes for power devices applications based on wide band gap semiconductors (SiC and GaN). In particular, the target materials were 150mm 4H-SiC wafers and GaN heteroepitaxy on...
