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Aim of the activity is the development of SiC based sensors for the detection of  radiations and particles for different applications. Of particular interest are ones in the field of  health care and human protection from UV hazard risks. SiC sensors are excellent candidates for EUV, x-ray and particles detection,  of great interest for nuclear, solid state and astrophysical applications requiring also harsh environment and/or prohibitive temperature operation and/or reduced volume/weight (with respect to traditional photomultipliers).


Antonella Sciuto received the Ph.D.  in Physics at the University of Catania, Italy,  in 2004. From January 2013 she is in the permanent staff of the CNR-IMM of Catania principally working on SiC based opto-electronics and sensors fabrication and characterisation. Her current research interests include also nano-structure fabrication  by electron-beam lithography for sensor, micro and nano-scaled applications. She gave oral presentations on international conferences and she is author of several patents, papers in international journals and  conference proceedings.

Scientific Productions

Brunella Cafra, Antonella Sciuto, Giuseppe D'Arrigo

Analysis of Mechanical Properties of 4H-SiC 6 Inch Wafers by Nanoindentation Test

Scientific Books of Abstracts [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 8 Pages: 495-496

Valentina Cantaro, Antonella Sciuto, Antonio Brancato, Giuseppe Compagnini, Giuseppe D'Arrigo

Plasmonic Ag Nanoparticles on SiC for Use as SERS Substrate and in Integrated Optical Sensors for Bio-Chemical Applications

Key Engineering Materials [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 984 Pages: 63-69

V Cantaro, A Sciuto, A Brancato, G d Compagnini

and G. D'Arrigo1, e

Materials Application in Quantum, Sensors and Mechatronics Systems [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Pages: 63

O Adriani, A Agnesi, S Albergo, M Antonelli, L Auditore, A Basti, P Betti, E Berti, G Bigongiari, L Bonechi, M Bongi, V Bonvicini, S Bottai, P Brogi, G Castellini, PW Cattaneo, C Checchia, M Duranti, R D’Alessandro, S Detti, N Finetti, V Formato, A Italiano, P Maestro, PS Marrocchesi, N Mori, G Orzan, M Olmi, L Pacini, P Papini, MG Pellegriti, F Pirzio, C Pizzolotto, C Poggiali, A Rappoldi, S Ricciarini, A Sciuto, G Silvestre, P Spillantini, O Starodubtsev, F Stolzi, JE Suh, A Sulaj, A Tiberio, A Tricomi, A Trifiro, M Trimarchi, E Vannuccini, G Zampa, N Zampa

The CaloCube calorimeter for high-energy cosmic-ray measurements in space: Response of a large-scale prototype to protons

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment [North-Holland], Volume: 1061 Pages: 169079

Antonella Sciuto, Pietro Paolo Barbarino, Domenico Mello, Giuseppe D'Arrigo

Insight on defects mechanically introduced by nanoindentation in 4H-SiC pn diode

Materials & Design [Elsevier], Pages: 112751

Domenico Longo, Gaetano Giudice, Giuseppe D’Arrigo, Antonella Sciuto

Portable Spectroscopy System for Environmental Monitoring. An SO2 Case Study

IEEE Sensors Journal [IEEE],

C Chèze, López García, C Petrucci, M Bertelli, S Prili, SMS Privitera, M Buscema, A Sciuto, S Di Franco, G D'Arrigo, M Longo, S De Simone, V Mussi, E Placidi, MC Cyrille, NP Tran, R Calarco, F Arciprete

Growth, Electronic and Electrical Characterization of Ge-Rich Ge-Sb-Te Alloy.

Nanomaterials (Basel, Switzerland) [], Volume: 12 Issue: 8

Antonella Sciuto, Lucia Calcagno, Salvatore Di Franco, Domenico Pellegrino, Lorenzo Maurizio Selgi, Giuseppe D’Arrigo

Radiation Hardness of 4H-SiC PN Junction UV Photo-Detector

Materials [Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute], Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Pages: 264

O Adriani, A Agnesi, S Albergo, M Antonelli, L Auditore, A Basti, E Berti, G Bigongiari, L Bonechi, M Bongi, V Bonvicini, S Bottai, P Brogi, G Castellini, PW Cattaneo, C Checchia, RD Alessandro, S Detti, M Fasoli, N Finetti, A Italiano, P Maestro, PS Marrocchesi, N Mori, G Orzan, M Olmi, L Pacini, P Papini, MG Pellegriti, F Pirzio, C Pizzolotto, C Poggiali, A Rappoldi, S Ricciarini, A Sciuto, P Spillantini, O Starodubtsev, F Stolzi, JE Suh, A Sulaj, A Tiberio, A Tricomi, A Trifiro, M Trimarchi, A Vedda, E Vannuccini, G Zampa, N Zampa

The CaloCube calorimeter for high-energy cosmic-ray measurements in space: performance of a large-scale prototype

arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.01561 [],

G D'Arrigo, M Scuderi, A Mio, G Favarò, M Conte, A Sciuto, M Buscema, G Li-Destri, E Carria, D Mello, M Calabretta, A Sitta, J Pries, E Rimini

Mechanical characterization and properties of continuous wave laser irradiated Ge 2 Sb 2 Te 5 stripes

Materials & Design [Elsevier], Volume: 202 Pages: 109545

Domenico Pellegrino, Lucia Calcagno, Massimo Zimbone, Salvatore Di Franco, Antonella Sciuto

Correlation between Defects and Electrical Performances of Ion-Irradiated 4H-SiC p–n Junctions

Materials [Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute], Volume: 14 Issue: 8 Pages: 1966

Antonella Sciuto, Lucia Calcagno, Massimo Mazzillo, Domenico Mello, Pietro Paolo Barbarino, Massimo Zimbone, Giuseppe D’Arrigo

4H-SiC pn Junction Based Near IR Photon Source

IEEE Sensors Journal [IEEE], Volume: 21 Issue: 2 Pages: 1504-1509

G D’Arrigo, AM Mio, JE Boschker, A Meli, S Cecchi, E Zallo, A Sciuto, M Buscema, E Bruno, R Calarco, E Rimini

Crystallization of nano amorphized regions in thin epitaxial layer of Ge2Sb2Te5

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics [IOP Publishing], Volume: 53 Issue: 19 Pages: 194001

K Huet, J Aubin, P-E Raynal, B Curvers, A Verstraete, B Lespinasse, F Mazzamuto, A Sciuto, SF Lombardo, A La Magna, P Acosta-Alba, L Dagault, C Licitra, J-M Hartmann, S Kerdilès

Pulsed laser annealing for advanced technology nodes: modeling and calibration

Applied Surface Science [North-Holland], Volume: 505 Pages: 144470

O Adriani, S Albergo, L Auditore, A Basti, E Berti, G Bigongiari, L Bonechi, M Bongi, V Bonvicini, S Bottai, P Brogi, G Cappello, G Carotenuto, G Castellini, PW Cattaneo, R Cecchi, C Checchia, R D'Alessandro, S Detti, M Fasoli, N Finetti, A Italiano, P Lenzi, P Maestro, M Manetti, PS Marrocchesi, N Mori, F Morsani, M Olmi, A Orsini, G Orzan, L Pacini, P Papini, MG Pellegriti, A Rappoldi, S Ricciarini, A Sciuto, P Spillantini, O Starodubtsev, L Stiaccini, F Stolzi, A Sulaj, JE Suh, A Tiberio, A Tricomi, A Trifiro, M Trimarchi, E Vannuccini, A Vedda, G Zampa, N Zampa

The CALOCUBE project for a space based cosmic ray experiment: design, construction, and first performance of a high granularity calorimeter prototype

Journal of Instrumentation [IOP Publishing], Volume: 14 Issue: 11 Pages: P11004

G Lioliou, NR Gemmell, M Mazzillo, A Sciuto, AM Barnett

4H-SiC Schottky diodes with Ni2Si contacts for X-ray detection

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment [North-Holland], Volume: 940 Pages: 328-336

Stefano Boscarino, Simona Filice, Antonella Sciuto, Sebania Libertino, Mario Scuderi, Clelia Galati, Silvia Scalese

Investigation of ZnO-decorated CNTs for UV Light Detection Applications

Nanomaterials [MDPI], Volume: 9 Issue: 8 Pages: 1099

AJG Lunt, FCC Collaboration

FCC-ee: the Lepton Collider: future circular collider conceptual design report volume 2

European Physical Journal: Special Topics [Springer Verlag], Volume: 228 Issue: 2 Pages: 261-623

Gaetano Giudice, Antonella Sciuto, Alessandro Meli, Giuseppe D’Arrigo, D Longo

SO2 Monitoring with Solid State Based UV Spectroscopy Compact Apparatus

IEEE Sensors Journal [IEEE], Volume: 19 Issue: 16 Pages: 7089-7094

Gabriele Bigongiari, Oscar Adriani, Sebastiano Albergo, Giovanni Ambrosi, Lucrezia Auditore, Andrea Basti, Eugenio Berti, Lorenzo Bonechi, Simone Bonechi, Massimo Bongi, Valter Bonvicini, Sergio Bottai, Paolo Brogi, Gigi Cappello, Paolo Walter Cattaneo, Raffaello D’Alessandro, Sebastiano Detti, Matteo Duranti, Mauro Fasoli, Noemi Finetti, Valerio Formato, Maria Ionica, Antonio Italiano, Piergiulio Lenzi, Paolo Maestro, Pier Simone Marrocchesi, Nicola Mori, Giulio Orzan, Miriam Olmi, Lorenzo Pacini, Paolo Papini, Maria Grazia Pellegriti, Andrea Rappoldi, Sergio Bruno Ricciarini, Antonella Sciuto, Gianluigi Silvestre, Oleksandr Starodubtsev, Francesco Stolzi, Jung Eun Suh, Arta Sulaj, Alessio Tiberio, Alessia Tricomi, Antonio Trifirò, Marina Trimarchi, Elena Vannuccini, Anna Vedda, Gianluigi Zampa, Nicola Zampa

A New Approach to Calorimetry in Space-Based Experiments for High-Energy Cosmic Rays

Universe [Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute], Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Pages: 72

Antonella Sciuto, Alessandro Meli, Lucia Calcagno, Salvatore Di Franco, Massimo Mazzillo, Giorgia Franzo, Sebastiano Albergo, Alessia Tricomi, D Longo, Gaetano Giudice, Giuseppe D’Arrigo

Large-Area SiC-UV Photodiode for Spectroscopy Portable System

IEEE Sensors Journal [IEEE], Volume: 19 Issue: 8 Pages: 2931-2936

A Sciuto, A Meli, L Calcagno, S Di Franco, M Mazzillo, G Franzò, S Albergo, A Tricomi, D Longo, G Giudice, G D’Arrigo

Large area SiC-UV phothodiode for spectroscopy portable system

IEEE Sensors Journal [IEEE],

E Berti, O Adriani, S Albergo, G Ambrosi, L Auditore, A Basti, G Bigongiari, L Bonechi, S Bonechi, M Bongi, V Bonvicini, S Bottai, P Brogi, G Cappello, PW Cattaneo, RD Alessandro, S Detti, M Duranti, M Fasoli, N Finetti, V Formato, M Ionica, A Italiano, P Lenzi, P Maestro, PS Marrocchesi, N Mori, G Orzan, M Olmi, L Pacini, P Papini, A Rappoldi, S Ricciarini, A Sciuto, G Silvestre, O Starodubtsev, F Stolzi, JE Suh, A Sulaj, A Tiberio, A Tricomi, A Trifirò, M Trimarchi, E Vannuccini, A Vedda, G Zampa, N Zampa

CaloCube: a new concept calorimeter for the detection of high energy cosmic rays in space

Journal of Physics: Conference Series [IOP Publishing], Volume: 1162 Issue: 1 Pages: 012042

G D'Arrigo, A Mio, G Favaro, M Calabretta, A Sitta, A Sciuto, M Russo, M Calì, M Oliveri, E Rimini

Mechanical properties of amorphous Ge 2 Sb 2 Te 5 thin layers

Surface and Coatings Technology [Elsevier], Volume: 355 Pages: 227-233

A Sciuto, G D’Arrigo, M Mazzillo, L Torrisi, L Calcagno

Reversibility of surface damage induced in SiC detectors by low intensity laser plasma

Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing [Pergamon], Volume: 86 Pages: 36-42

G D'Arrigo, M Christian, V Morandi, G Favaro, C Bongiorno, AM Mio, M Russo, A Sitta, M Calabretta, A Sciuto, E Piccinini, L D'Urso, R Rizzoli

Mechanical and electrical characterization of CVD-grown graphene transferred on chalcogenide Ge 2 Sb 2 Te 5 layers

Carbon [Pergamon], Volume: 132 Pages: 141-151

Massimo Mazzillo, Lidia Maddiona, Francesco Rundo, Antonella Sciuto, Sebania Libertino, Salvatore Lombardo, Giorgio Fallica

Characterization of SiPMs with NIR Long-Pass Interferential and Plastic Filters

IEEE Photonics Journal [IEEE], Volume: 10 Issue: 3 Pages: 1-12

M Mazzillo, A Sciuto, S Libertino, S Lombardo, G Fallica

Impact of long-pass interferential filters on dark current and background light rejection in Silicon Photomultipliers

Journal of Instrumentation [IOP Publishing], Volume: 13 Issue: 02 Pages: P02016

A Sciuto, G D’Arrigo, S Di Franco, M Mazzillo, G Franzo, L Torrisi, L Calcagno

4H-SiC Detector in High Photons and Ions Irradiation Regime

IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices [IEEE], Volume: 65 Issue: 2 Pages: 599-604

Antonella Sciuto, Lorenzo Torrisi, Antonino Cannavò, Massimo Mazzillo, Lucia Calcagno

Effects induced by high and low intensity laser plasma on SiC Schottky detectors

EPJ Web of Conferences [EDP Sciences], Volume: 167 Pages: 03005

Antonino Cannavò, Lorenzo Torrisi, Giovanni Ceccio, Mariapompea Cutroneo, Lucia Calcagno, Antonella Sciuto, Massimo Mazzillo

Characterization of X-ray emission from laser generated plasma

EPJ Web of Conferences [EDP Sciences], Volume: 167 Pages: 03004

A Sciuto, L Torrisi, A Cannavò, M Mazzillo, L Calcagno

Advantages and limits of 4H-SIC detectors for high-and low-flux radiations

Journal of Electronic Materials [Springer US], Volume: 46 Issue: 11 Pages: 6403-6410

O Adriani, S Albergo, L Auditore, A Basti, E Berti, G Bigongiari, L Bonechi, S Bonechi, M Bongi, V Bonvicini, S Bottai, P Brogi, G Carotenuto, G Castellini, PW Cattaneo, N Daddi, R D’Alessandro, S Detti, N Finetti, A Italiano, P Lenzi, P Maestro, PS Marrocchesi, N Mori, G Orzan, M Olmi, L Pacini, P Papini, MG Pellegriti, A Rappoldi, S Ricciarini, A Sciuto, P Spillantini, O Starodubtsev, F Stolzi, JE Suh, A Sulaj, A Tiberio, A Tricomi, A Trifiro, M Trimarchi, E Vannuccini, G Zampa, N Zampa

CaloCube: An isotropic spaceborne calorimeter for high-energy cosmic rays. Optimization of the detector performance for protons and nuclei

Astroparticle Physics [North-Holland], Volume: 96 Pages: 11-17

A Cannavò, L Torrisi, L Calcagno, A Sciuto

Structure of semiconductor detectors for characterization of ionizing radiation sources

5th Workshop-Plasmi, Sorgenti, Biofisica ed Applicazioni [], Volume: 2016 Pages: 23-27

L Torrisi, A Sciuto, A Cannavò, S Di Franco, M Mazzillo, P Badalà, L Calcagno

SiC Detector for Sub-MeV Alpha Spectrometry

Journal of Electronic Materials [Springer US], Volume: 46 Issue: 7 Pages: 4242-4249

PW Cattaneo, O Adriani, S Albergo, L Auditore, A Basti, E Berti, G Bigongiari, L Bonechi, S Bonechi, M Bongi, V Bonvicini, S Bottai, P Brogi, G Carotenuto, G Castellini, R D'Alessandro, S Detti, M Fasoli, N Finetti, A Italiano, P Lenzi, P Maestro, PS Marrocchesi, N Mori, M Olmi, G Orzan, L Pacini, P Papini, MG Pellegriti, A Rappoldi, S Ricciarini, M Rossella, A Sciutto, P Spillantini, O Starodubtsev, F Stolzi, JE Suh, A Sulaj, A Tiberio, A Tricomi, A Trifirò, M Trimarchi, E Vannuccini, A Vedda, G Zampa, N Zampa

CaloCube: a novel calorimeter for high-energy cosmic rays in space

Journal of Instrumentation [IOP Publishing], Volume: 12 Issue: 06 Pages: C06004

A Sciuto, M Mazzillo, P Lenzi, S Di Franco, D Mello, PP Barbarino, G Longo, S Cascino, A Santangelo, S Albergo, A Tricomi, O Starodubtsev, O Adriani, G D’Arrigo

Fully Planar 4H-SiC Avalanche Photodiode with Low Breakdown Voltage

IEEE Sensors Journal [IEEE], Volume: 17 Issue: 14 Pages: 4460-4465

Massimo Mazzillo, Domenico Mello, Pietro Paolo Barbarino, Mario F Romeo, Yuri Musienko, Antonella Sciuto, Sebania Libertino, Salvatore A Lombardo, Giorgio Fallica

Electro-Optical Characterization of SiPMs with Green Bandpass Dichroic Filters

IEEE Sensors Journal [IEEE], Volume: 17 Issue: 13 Pages: 4075-4082

Massimo Mazzillo, Domenico Mello, Pietro Paolo Barbarino, Mario Romeo, Yuri Musienko, Antonella Sciuto, Sebania Libertino, Salvatore Lombardo, Giorgio Fallica

Noise Reduction in Silicon Photomultipliers for Use in Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences [IEEE], Volume: 1 Issue: 3 Pages: 212-220

Lucia Calacagno Lorenzo Torrisi, Antonella Sciuto, Antonino Cannavò, Salvatore Di Franco, Massimo Mazzillo, Paolo Badalà

SiC Detector for Sub-MeV Alpha Spectrometry

Journal of Electronic Materials [Springer],

Oscar Adriani, Raffaello D'Alessandro, Piergiulio Lenzi, Antonella Sciuto, Oleksandr Starodubtsev, Alessia Tricomi

CLASSiC: Cherenkov light detection with silicon carbide

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment [North-Holland], Volume: 845 Pages: 439-442

Oscar Adriani, Sebastiano Albergo, Raffaello D'Alessandro, Piergiulio Lenzi, Antonella Sciuto, Oleksandr Starodubtsev, Alessia Tricomi

CLASSiC: Cherenkov light detection with silicon carbide

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment [North-Holland], Volume: 845 Pages: 439-442

Alfio Torrisi, Przemyslaw W Wachulak, Andrzej Bartnik, Tomasz Fok, Łukasz Wȩgrzyński, Henryk Fiedorowicz, Massimo Mazzillo, Antonella Sciuto, Lorenzo Torrisi

Calibration of SiC Detectors for Nitrogen and Neon Plasma Emission Using Gas-Puff Target Sources

IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices [IEEE], Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 1120-1126

Antonella Sciuto, Massimo Cataldo Mazzillo, Salvatore Di Franco, Giovanni Mannino, Paolo Badalà, Lucio Renna, Corrado Caruso

UV-A Sensor Based on 6H-SiC Schottky Photodiode

IEEE Photonics Journal [IEEE], Volume: 9 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-10

M Mazzillo, Antonella Sciuto, Giovanni Mannino, L Renna, N Costa, P Badalà

Towards a high performing UV-A sensor based on Silicon Carbide and hydrogenated Silicon Nitride absorbing layers

Journal of Instrumentation [IOP Publishing], Volume: 11 Issue: 10 Pages: P10010

A Sciuto, L Torrisi, A Cannavò, G Ceccio, P Musumeci, M Mazzillo, L Calcagno

SiC interdigit detectors for post-accelerated ions generated by laser plasma

Vacuum [Pergamon], Volume: 131 Pages: 170-175

M Mazzillo, A Sciuto

4H-SiC Schottky photodiodes for ultraviolet flame detection

Journal of Instrumentation [IOP Publishing], Volume: 10 Issue: 10 Pages: P10029

G Lioliou, MC Mazzillo, A Sciuto, AM Barnett

Electrical and ultraviolet characterization of 4H-SiC Schottky photodiodes

Optics express [Optical Society of America], Volume: 23 Issue: 17 Pages: 21657-21670

L Torrisi, A Sciuto, L Calcagno, P Musumeci, M Mazzillo, G Ceccio, A Cannavò

Laser-plasma X-ray detection by using fast 4H-SiC interdigit and ion collector detectors

Journal of Instrumentation [IOP Publishing], Volume: 10 Issue: 07 Pages: P07009

A Sciuto, M Mazzillo, S Di Franco, F Roccaforte, G D'Arrigo

Visible Blind 4H-SiC P $^{+} $-N UV Photodiode Obtained by Al Implantation

IEEE Photonics Journal [IEEE], Volume: 7 Issue: 3 Pages: 1-6

G Cacciato, M Zimbone, F Ruffino, A Sciuto, MG Grimaldi

Growth dynamics of quasi-one-dimensional confined Au nanoparticles on SiO 2 surface

Materials Letters [North-Holland], Volume: 141 Pages: 347-350

M Mazzillo, A Sciuto, S Marchese

Impact of the epilayer doping on the performance of thin metal film Ni2Si/4H-SiC Schottky photodiodes

Journal of Instrumentation [IOP Publishing], Volume: 9 Issue: 12 Pages: P12001

Massimo Mazzillo, Antonella Sciuto, Salvatore Marchese

Electro-Optical Characterization of Patterned Thin Metal Film Ni 2 Si–4H SiC Schottky Photodiodes for Ultraviolet Light Detection

IEEE Sensors Journal [IEEE], Volume: 15 Issue: 3 Pages: 1858-1863

Massimo Mazzillo, Antonella Sciuto, Salvatore Marchese

Electro-Optical Characterization of Patterned Thin Metal Film Ni2Si–4H SiC Schottky Photodiodes for Ultraviolet Light Detection

IEEE Sensors Journal [IEEE], Volume: 15 Issue: 3 Pages: 1858-1863

Antonella Sciuto, Massimo Mazzillo, Paolo Badalà, Mario Scuderi, Beatrice Carbone, Salvatore Coffa

Thin Metal Film Ni 2 Si/4H—SiC Vertical Schottky Photodiodes

IEEE Photonics Technology Letters [IEEE], Volume: 26 Issue: 17 Pages: 1782-1785

R Anzalone, N Piluso, A Marino, A Sciuto, G D'Arrigo

Very low dose ion‐implantation effect on heteroepitaxial 3C‐SiC mechanical properties

physica status solidi (a) [WILEY‐VCH Verlag], Volume: 209 Issue: 11 Pages: 2235-2240

Rosa Ruggeri, Fortunato Neri, Antonella Sciuto, Vittorio Privitera, Corrado Spinella, Giovanni Mannino

Luminescence properties of SiOxNy irradiated by IR laser 808 nm: The role of Si quantum dots and Si chemical environment

Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 100 Issue: 4 Pages: 042104

Massimo Mazzillo, Antonella Sciuto, Giuseppe Catania, Fabrizio Roccaforte, Vito Raineri

Temperature and light induced effects on the capacitance of 4H-SiC Schottky photodiodes

IEEE Sensors Journal [IEEE], Volume: 12 Issue: 5 Pages: 1127-1130

Massimo Mazzillo, Antonella Sciuto, Giuseppe Catania, Fabrizio Roccaforte, Vito Raineri

Temperature and light induced effects on the capacitance of 4H-SiC Schottky photodiodes

IEEE Sensors Journal [IEEE], Volume: 12 Issue: 5 Pages: 1127-1130

A Sciuto, G D'Arrigo, F Roccaforte, M Mazzillo, RC Spinella, V Raineri

Interdigit 4H-SiC vertical Schottky diode for betavoltaic applications

IEEE transactions on electron devices [IEEE], Volume: 58 Issue: 3 Pages: 593-599

A Sciuto, G D'Arrigo, F Roccaforte, M Mazzillo, RC Spinella, V Raineri

Interdigit 4H-SiC vertical Schottky diode for betavoltaic applications

IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices [IEEE], Volume: 58 Issue: 3 Pages: 593-599

Massimo Mazzillo, Priya Shukla, Ranajay Mallik, Manoj Kumar, Rosa Previti, Gianfranco Di Marco, Antonella Sciuto, Rosaria Anna Puglisi, Vito Raineri

4H-SiC Schottky photodiode based demonstrator board for UV-Index monitoring

IEEE Sensors Journal [IEEE], Volume: 11 Issue: 2 Pages: 377-381

Massimo Mazzillo, Priya Shukla, Ranajay Mallik, Manoj Kumar, Rosa Previti, Gianfranco Di Marco, Antonella Sciuto, Rosaria Anna Puglisi, Vito Raineri

4H-SiC Schottky photodiode based demonstrator board for UV-Index monitoring

IEEE Sensors Journal [IEEE], Volume: 11 Issue: 2 Pages: 377-381

Antonella Sciuto, Massimo Mazzillo, Vito Raineri, Giuseppe Catania, Giuseppe D'Arrigo, Fabrizio Roccaforte

On the aging effects of 4H-SiC Schottky photodiodes under high intensity mercury lamp irradiation

IEEE Photonics Technology Letters [IEEE], Volume: 22 Issue: 11 Pages: 775-777

Giovanni Mannino, Corrado Spinella, Corrado Bongiorno, Giuseppe Nicotra, Flora Mercorillo, Vittorio Privitera, Giorgia Franzò, Alberto Maria Piro, MariaGrazia Grimaldi, Maria Ausilia Di Stefano, Silvestra Di Marco

Synthesis of crystalline Si quantum dots by millisecond laser irradiation of SiO x N y layers

Journal of Applied Physics [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 107 Issue: 2 Pages: 023703

Massimo Mazzillo, Giovanni Condorelli, Maria Eloisa Castagna, Giuseppe Catania, Antonella Sciuto, Fabrizio Roccaforte, Vito Raineri

Highly efficient low reverse biased 4H-SiC Schottky photodiodes for UV-light detection

IEEE Photonics Technology Letters [IEEE], Volume: 21 Issue: 23 Pages: 1782-1784

P Fiorenza, R Lo Nigro, A Sciuto, P Delugas, V Raineri, RG Toro, MR Catalano, G Malandrino

Perovskite CaCu 3 Ti 4 O 12 thin films for capacitive applications: From the growth to the nanoscopic imaging of the permittivity

Journal of Applied Physics [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 105 Issue: 6 Pages: 061634

Qing Yang, Xiaoshun Jiang, Xin Guo, Yuan Chen, H Tu, Z Jiang, DL Marks, BS Ham, J Hahn, Yoshiki Kohmura, Kei Sawada, Munetaka Taguchi, Tetsuya Ishikawa, Takuji Ohigashi, Kwangchil Lee, Youngjean Jung, Gumin Kang, Haesung Park, HW Then, CH Wu, G Walter, M Feng, N Holonyak Jr, G Huang, W Guo, P Bhattacharya, G Ariyawansa, NC Chen, CF Yu, CP Yuan


Appl. Phys. Lett [], Volume: 94 Issue: 10

G Lanty, JS Lauret, E Deleporte, S Bouchoule, WK Loke, SF Yoon, Z Xu, KH Tan, TK Ng, YK Sim, S Wicaksono, N Saadsaoud, D Decoster, J Chazelas, Ji Woong Park, Young Joo Ahn, Jun Ho Jung, Seung Hee Lee, Ruibo Lu, Hyang Yul Kim, Ahmet Ali Yanik, Xihua Wang, Shyamsunder Erramilli, Mi K Hong, Hatice Altug, Xiang Wu, Hao Li, Liying Liu, D Monzón-Hernández, Vladimir P Minkovich, Joel Villatoro, Mark P Kreuzer, Sergey Suchalkin, Seungyong Jung, Gela Kipshidze, Leon Shterengas, Takashi Hosoda, David Westerfeld, Donald Snyder, CH Chiu, HH Yen, CL Chao, ZY Li, Peichen Yu, HC Kuo, TC Lu, SC Wang, KM Lau, Wanhua Zheng, Gang Ren, Mingxin Xing, Wei Chen, Anjin Liu, Wenjun Zhou, Toshihiko Baba, Kango Nozaki, Yuh-Renn Wu, JR Chen, CC Kao, Han-Wei Yang, WY Yeh, C Bayram, F Hosseini Teherani, DJ Rogers, M Razeghi, AV Stier, CJ Meining, BD McCombe, I Chado, P Grabs, G Schmidt, Qiang Li, Ziyang Zhang, Fangfei Liu, Min Qiu, Yikai Su


Appl. Phys. Lett [], Volume: 93 Issue: 8

IC Robin, A Ribeaud, S Brochen, G Feuillet, P Ferret, H Mariette, D Ehrentraut, Tien-Chang Lu, Chih-Chiang Kao, Hao-Chung Kuo, Gen-Sheng Huang, A Kudlinski, G Bouwmans, Y Quiquempois, A Mussot, Kui Bao, Xiang Ning Kang, Bei Zhang, Tao Dai, Yong Jian Sun, Qiang Fu, Gui Jun Lian, Guang Cheng Xiong, Guo Yi Zhang, DJM Stothard, TJ Edwards, D Walsh, CL Thomson, CF Rae, MH Dunn, AP Ongstad, R Kaspi, GC Dente, ML Tilton, R Barresi, JR Chavez, Alexandre Francois, Jian Zhang, Xiaomei Jiang, Peng Jiang, Bin Jiang, Ryoichiro Suzuki, Tomoyuki Miyamoto, Tomoyuki Sengoku, Fumio Koyama, J Heinrich, R Langhans, MS Vitiello, G Scamarcio, D Indjin, CA Evans, Z Ikonić, P Harrison, S Höfling, A Forchel, Song Ye, Bin Zhu, Jingxin Chen, Jin Luo, Jian Rong Qiu, Anna C Peacock, Adrian Amezcua-Correa, Jixin Yang, Pier JA Sazio, Steven M Howdle, HT Miyazaki, K Ikeda, T Kasaya, K Yamamoto, Y Inoue, K Fujimura, T Kanakugi, M Okada, K Hatade, S Kitagawa, Rui Li, Chen Cheng, Fang-Fang Ren, Jing Chen, Ya-Xian Fan, Jianping Ding


Appl. Phys. Lett [], Volume: 92 Issue: 14 Pages: 142501

Antonella Sciuto, Fabrizio Roccaforte, Vito Raineri

Electro-optical response of ion-irradiated 4 H-Si C Schottky ultraviolet photodetectors

Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 92 Issue: 9 Pages: 093505

Antonella Sciuto, Fabrizio Roccaforte, Salvatore Di Franco, Vito Raineri

Schottky Barrier Lowering in 4H-SiC Schottky UV Detector

Materials Science Forum [], Volume: 768 Issue: 600 Pages: 1215

A Sciuto, F Roccaforte, S Di Franco, V Raineri, S Billotta, G Bonanno

Photocurrent gain in 4 H-Si C interdigit Schottky UV detectors with a thermally grown oxide layer

Applied physics letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 90 Issue: 22 Pages: 223507

A Sciuto, F Roccaforte, S Di Franco, SF Liotta, G Bonanno, V Raineri

High efficiency 4H-SiC Schottky UV-photodiodes using self-aligned semitransparent contacts

Superlattices and Microstructures [Academic Press], Volume: 41 Issue: 1 Pages: 29-35

A Sciuto, F Roccaforte, S Di Franco, V Raineri, SF Liotta, S Billotta, G Bonanno, M Belluso

Chapter 5-SiC Devices-5.4 Sensors and Detectors-4H-SiC Schottky Array Photodiodes for UV Imaging Application Based on the Pinch-off Surface Effect

Materials Science Forum [Aedermannsdorf, Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications, 1984-], Volume: 556557 Pages: 945-948

Antonella Sciuto, Fabrizio Roccaforte, Salvatore Di Franco, Vito Raineri, Giovanni Bonanno

High responsivity 4 H-Si C Schottky UV photodiodes based on the pinch-off surface effect

Applied physics letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 89 Issue: 8 Pages: 081111

A Sciuto, S Libertino

Experimental analysis of a BMFET light intensity modulator: from static distributions to the carrier plasma dynamic and electro-optical device performance

Semiconductor science and technology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 21 Issue: 7 Pages: 890

Antonella Sciuto, Sebania Libertino

Miniaturizable Si-based light intensity modulator for integrated sensing applications

Journal of lightwave technology [IEEE], Volume: 24 Issue: 3 Pages: 1403

Antonella Sciuto, Sebania Libertino, Salvo Coffa, Giuseppe Coppola, Mario Iodice

Experimental evidences of carrier distribution and behavior in frequency in a BMFET modulator

IEEE transactions on electron devices [IEEE], Volume: 52 Issue: 11 Pages: 2374-2378

Antonella Sciuto, Sebania Libertino, Salvo Coffa, Giuseppe Coppola

Miniaturizable Si-based electro-optical modulator working at 1.5 μm

Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 86 Issue: 20 Pages: 201115

Antonella Sciuto

A Miniaturizable Integrated Si-Based Light Modulator Antonella Sciuto, Sebania Libertino

Optoelectronic Integration on Silicon [SPIE], Pages: 94

A Sciuto, S Libertino, S Coffa, G Coppola, M Iodice

Optoelectronics, Displays, and Imaging-Experimental Evidences of Carrier Distribution and Behavior in Frequency in a BMFET Modulator

IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices [New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Professional Technical Group on Electron Devices, 1963-], Volume: 52 Issue: 11 Pages: 2374-2378

Antonio Landi, Aye Aye Mon, Laura Liaci, Alessandro Sitta, Michele Calabretta, Antonella Sciuto, Giuseppe D’Arrigo, Marco Renna, Vincenzo Vinciguerra

Failure Strength Weibull Analysis of 4H-SiC Die through a 3-PB test

2021 22nd International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE) [IEEE], Pages: 1-6

Lorenzo Maurizio Selgi, Antonella Sciuto, Michele Calabretta, Alessandro Sitta, Giuseppe D'Arrigo

Electrical characterization of gate oxide current in a silicon power MOS subjected to uniaxial mechanical stress

2020 2nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics for Sustainable Energy Systems (IESES) [IEEE], Volume: 1 Pages: 365-370

Lorenzo Maurizio Selgi, Antonella Sciuto, Michele Calabretta, Alessandro Sitta, Giuseppe D'Arrigo

Experimental Evaluation of Oxide Current on a Low Voltage Trench Gate Power MOS Under Mechanical Bending Conditions

PCIM Europe digital days 2020; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management [VDE], Pages: 1-7

Michele Calabretta, Daniele Guarnera, Alessandro Sitta, Marco Renna, Antonella Sciuto, Giuseppe D’Arrigo, Salvatore Massimo Oliveri, Gaetano Sequenzia

Mechanical characterization and modeling of different pad structures

2020 21st International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE) [IEEE], Pages: 1-5

Massimo Mazzillo, Domenico Mello, Pietro Paolo Barbarino, Vincenzo Vinciguerra, Giorgio Fallica, Sebania Libertino, Antonella Sciuto, Salvatore Lombardo, Yuri Musienko

Silicon photomultipliers with embedded optical filters for wearable healthcare applications

2017 IEEE SENSORS [IEEE], Pages: 1-3

G D’Arrigo, M Calabretta, G Favaro, A Sciuto, E Marascia, M Cali, S Oliveri, E Rimini

Monitoring of mechanical modification properties induced by Ge ions implantation on stoichiometric Ge2Sb2Te5


G D’Arrigo, A Mio, M Calabretta, G Favaro, A Sciuto, E Marascia, M Cali, S Oliveri, E Rimini

Amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 mechanical modification properties induced by Ge ions implantation


Massimo Mazzillo, Antonella Sciuto, Fabrizio Roccaforte, Corrado Bongiorno, Roberto Modica, Salvatore Marchese, Paolo Badalà, Denise Calì, Francesco Patanè, Beatrice Carbone, Alfio Russo, Salvo Coffa

Ni2Si/4H-SiC Schottky Photodiodes for Ultraviolet Light Detection

Materials Science Forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 858 Pages: 1015-1018

Antonella Sciuto, Massimo Mazzillo, Salvatore Di Franco, Fabrizio Roccaforte

Large Area Visible Blind 4H-SiC p+/N UV Photodiode Obtained by Aluminium Implantation

Materials Science Forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 858 Pages: 1019-1022

M Mazzillo, A Sciuto, P Badalà, B Carbone, A Russo, S Coffa

4H-SiC detectors for ultraviolet light monitoring

Silicon Photonics X [International Society for Optics and Photonics], Volume: 9367 Pages: 93671B

Rosa Ruggeri, Giovanni Mannino, Antonella Sciuto, Lucia Romano, Fortunato Neri, Vittorio Privitera

Millisecond infrared laser irradiation of SiO x N y: the role of nitrogen in the photoluminescence emission

2014 IEEE 9th Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC) [IEEE], Pages: 31-33

Massimo Mazzillo, Antonella Sciuto, Fabrizio Roccaforte, Vito Raineri

4H-SiC Schottky photodiodes for ultraviolet light detection

2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record [IEEE], Pages: 1642-1646

Antonella Sciuto, Fabrizio Roccaforte, Salvatore Di Franco, Vito Raineri

Schottky Barrier Lowering in 4H-SiC Schottky UV Detector

Materials Science Forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 600 Pages: 1215-1218

Antonella Sciuto, Fabrizio Roccaforte, Salvatore di Franco, Vito Raineri, Salvatore F Liotta, Sergio Billotta, Giovanni Bonanno, Massimiliano Belluso

4H-SiC Schottky array photodiodes for UV imaging application based on the pinch-off surface effect

Materials science forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 556 Pages: 945-948

Rocco C Zaccuri, Giuseppe Coppola, Mario Iodice, Antonella Sciuto, Sebania Libertino

Thermo-opto-electrical analysis of an optical modulator integrated in a silicon planar structure

Optoelectronic Devices: Physics, Fabrication, and Application II [International Society for Optics and Photonics], Volume: 6013 Pages: 60130K

RL Oliveri, A Sciuto, S Libertino, G D'Arrigo, C Arnone

Fabrication and characterization of polymeric optical waveguides using standard silicon processing technology

Proceedings of 2005 IEEE/LEOS Workshop on Fibres and Optical Passive Components, 2005. [IEEE], Pages: 265-270

Antonella Sciuto, Sebania Libertino, Salvo Coffa, Giuseppe Coppola

A miniaturizable integrated Si-based light modulator

Optoelectronic Integration on Silicon II [International Society for Optics and Photonics], Volume: 5730 Pages: 94-101

Rosa Ruggeri, A Sciuto, V Privitera, C Spinella, Fortunato Neri, G Mannino

Structural e photoluminescence properties of SiOxNy irradiated by CW laser IR

E-MRS 2011 SPRING MEETING [], Pages: 20-20

Sebania Libertino, A Sciuto

Electro-Optical Modulators in Silicon

Optical Interconnects [Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg], Pages: 53-95

Massimo Cataldo MAZZILLO, Antonella SCIUTO, Dario Sutera

Multiband double junction photodiode and related manufacturing process

US20170207360 [],

Massimo Cataldo MAZZILLO, Antonella SCIUTO, Paolo Badalà, , Paolo Badalà

Integrated electronic device for detecting ultraviolet radiation

US20160349108 [],

Massimo Cataldo Mazzillo, Antonella Sciuto, Dario Sutera, , Dario Sutera

Multiband double junction photodiode and related manufacturing process

US20160260861 [],