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Sebania Libertino research interests are oriented to the design and fabrication of Si-based microelectronic and optoelectronic devices. In the last years she has been working on the integration of biological molecules in Si to fabricate biosensors for biomedical, environmental, and food applications. Her expertise includes semiconductors characterization through deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS); low and room temperature photoluminescence and electroluminescence; electro-optical characterization of light sources and detectors; optical characterization of fluorophores and chromophores; optical monitoring of waveguide loss; full electrical characterization of capacitors, diodes, MOSFET; optical and electrical biosensor full characterizzation.
Scientific Productions
Copper micro-flowers for electrocatalytic sensing of nitrate ions in water
Sensors [MDPI], Volume: 24 Issue: 14 Pages: 4501
Chronoamperometric Ammonium Ion Detection in Water via Conductive Polymers and Gold Nanoparticles
Molecules [MDPI], Volume: 29 Issue: 13 Pages: 3028
Miniaturizable Chemiluminescence System for ATP Detection in Water
Sensors [MDPI], Volume: 24 Issue: 12 Pages: 3921
Electrochemical Growth of Copper Crystals on SPCE for Electrocatalysis Nitrate Reduction
Nanomaterials [Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute], Volume: 14 Issue: 21 Pages: 1704
Coatings [MDPI], Volume: 13 Issue: 10 Pages: 1715
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology [Elsevier], Pages: 104086
Nanomaterials [MDPI], Volume: 13 Issue: 1 Pages: 215
International Journal of Molecular Sciences [MDPI], Volume: 23 Issue: 19 Pages: 11777
Innovative Antibiofilm Smart Surface against Legionella for Water Systems
Microorganisms [MDPI], Volume: 10 Issue: 5 Pages: 870
Photo-Fenton Degradation of Methyl Orange with Dunino Halloysite as a Source of Iron
Catalysts [MDPI], Volume: 12 Issue: 3 Pages: 257
Materials [MDPI], Volume: 14 Issue: 13 Pages: 3676
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health [Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute], Volume: 18 Issue: 14 Pages: 7580
Antimicrobial s-PBC Coatings for Innovative Multifunctional Water Filters
Molecules [MDPI], Volume: 25 Issue: 21 Pages: 5196
Applied Sciences [Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute], Volume: 10 Issue: 3 Pages: 1068
Water [Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute], Volume: 11 Issue: 10 Pages: 1986
Investigation of ZnO-decorated CNTs for UV Light Detection Applications
Nanomaterials [MDPI], Volume: 9 Issue: 8 Pages: 1099
Study of a Miniaturizable System for Optical Sensing Application to Human Cells
Applied Sciences [Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute], Volume: 9 Issue: 5 Pages: 975
Biomedical Optics Express [Optical Society of America], Volume: 9 Issue: 10 Pages: 4679-4688
Design and development of wearable sensing nanomaterials for smart textiles
AIP Conference Proceedings [AIP Publishing LLC], Volume: 1990 Issue: 1 Pages: 020016
Characterization of SiPMs with NIR Long-Pass Interferential and Plastic Filters
IEEE Photonics Journal [IEEE], Volume: 10 Issue: 3 Pages: 1-12
Sulfide Species Optical Monitoring by a Miniaturized Silicon Photomultiplier
Sensors [Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute], Volume: 18 Issue: 3 Pages: 727
Journal of Instrumentation [IOP Publishing], Volume: 13 Issue: 02 Pages: P02016
Biosensors and Bioelectronics [Elsevier], Volume: 99 Pages: 464-470
Silicon Nitride Surfaces as Active Substrate for Electrical DNA Biosensors
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical [Elsevier], Volume: 252 Pages: 492-502
Neurophotonics [International Society for Optics and Photonics], Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Pages: 035002
Biosensors and Bioelectronics [Elsevier],
Electro-Optical Characterization of SiPMs with Green Bandpass Dichroic Filters
IEEE Sensors Journal [IEEE], Volume: 17 Issue: 13 Pages: 4075-4082
Noise Reduction in Silicon Photomultipliers for Use in Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences [IEEE], Volume: 1 Issue: 3 Pages: 212-220
Biomedical optics express [Optical Society of America], Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Pages: 1183-1192
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing [Pergamon], Volume: 42 Pages: 45-49
New Journal of Chemistry [Royal Society of Chemistry], Volume: 40 Issue: 4 Pages: 3654-3663
Si photomultipliers for bio-sensing applications
Si Photomultipliers for Bio-Sensing Applications
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics [IEEE], Volume: 22 Issue: 3 Pages: 335-341
Si photomultipliers for bio-sensing applications
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics [IEEE], Volume: 22 Issue: 3 Pages: 335-341
Photo-physical characterization of fluorophore Ru (bpy) 3 2+ for optical biosensing applications
Sensing and bio-sensing research [Elsevier], Volume: 6 Pages: 67-71
SiPM as miniaturised optical biosensor for DNA-microarray applications
Sensing and bio-sensing research [Elsevier], Volume: 6 Pages: 95-98
Development of Si-based electrical biosensors: Simulations and first experimental results
Sensing and bio-sensing research [Elsevier], Volume: 6 Pages: 72-78
Microscopy and Microanalysis [Cambridge University Press], Volume: 21 Issue: S3 Pages: 1429-1430
Octahedral faceted Si nanoparticles as optical traps with enormous yield amplification
Scientific reports [Nature Publishing Group], Volume: 5 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-7
Carbon [Pergamon], Volume: 82 Pages: 489-499
Photo-physical characterization of fluorophore Ru (bpy) 32+ for optical biosensing applications
Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research [Elsevier BV], Volume: 6
Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research [], Volume: 6 Pages: 95-98
Radiation hardness of silicon photomultipliers under 60 Co γ-ray irradiation
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment [North-Holland], Volume: 767 Pages: 347-352
Optical and electrical si-based biosensors: Fabrication and trasduction issues
J. Anal. Bioanal. Tech. S [], Volume: 12 Pages: 007
Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 102 Issue: 18 Pages: 183502
Biosensor integration on Si-based devices: Feasibility studies and examples
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical [Elsevier], Volume: 179 Pages: 240-251
Silicon photomultiplier: technology improvement and performance
J. Sys. Mea. [], Volume: 6 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 124-136
Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices 2001: SISPAD 01 [Springer Science & Business Media], Pages: 120
Ionizing radiation effects on non volatile read only memory cells
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science [IEEE], Volume: 59 Issue: 6 Pages: 3016-3020
Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 101 Issue: 9 Pages: 093703
Threshold voltage variability of NROM memories after exposure to ionizing radiation
IEEE transactions on electron devices [IEEE], Volume: 59 Issue: 10 Pages: 2597-2602
Dark current in silicon photomultiplier pixels: data and model
IEEE transactions on electron devices [IEEE], Volume: 59 Issue: 9 Pages: 2410-2416
Silicon Photomultipliers: Dark Current and its Statistical Spread
Sensors & Transducers Journal [], Volume: 14 Issue: 1 Pages: 151-159
Schottky barrier inhomogeneities in nickel silicide transrotational contacts
Applied Physics Express [IOP Publishing], Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Pages: 115701
Statistical analysis of dark current in silicon photomultipliers
unpublished The Second International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications [], Pages: 21-27
Radiation effects in nitride read-only memories
Microelectronics Reliability [Pergamon], Volume: 50 Issue: 9-11 Pages: 1857-1860
Radiation tolerance of NROM embedded products
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science [IEEE], Volume: 57 Issue: 4 Pages: 2309-2317
Langmuir [American Chemical Society], Volume: 25 Issue: 11 Pages: 6312-6318
Appl. Phys. Lett [], Volume: 94 Issue: 10
Immobilization of the enzyme glucose oxidase on both bulk and porous SiO2 surfaces
Sensors [Molecular Diversity Preservation International], Volume: 8 Issue: 9 Pages: 5637-5648
Appl. Phys. Lett [], Volume: 93 Issue: 8
Radiation Effects on Programmed NROM Cells
ECS Transactions [IOP Publishing], Volume: 14 Issue: 1 Pages: 311
Electrical characterization of biological molecules deposition in MOS capacitors
Sensor Letters [American Scientific Publishers], Volume: 6 Issue: 4 Pages: 531-536
Proceedings of the 12th Italian Conference, Sensors and Microsystems, Napoli, Italy, 12-14 February 2007 [World Scientific], Pages: 3
XPS and AFM characterization of the enzyme glucose oxidase immobilized on SiO2 surfaces
Langmuir [American Chemical Society], Volume: 24 Issue: 5 Pages: 1965-1972
Layer uniformity in glucose oxidase immobilization on SiO 2 surfaces
Applied Surface Science [North-Holland], Volume: 253 Issue: 23 Pages: 9116-9123
Experimental characterization of proteins immobilized on Si-based materials
Microelectronic engineering [Elsevier], Volume: 84 Issue: 3 Pages: 468-473
Semiconductor science and technology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 21 Issue: 7 Pages: 890
Miniaturizable Si-based light intensity modulator for integrated sensing applications
Journal of lightwave technology [IEEE], Volume: 24 Issue: 3 Pages: 1403
Effects of implantation defects on the carrier concentration of 6H-SiC
Applied Physics A [Springer-Verlag], Volume: 82 Issue: 3 Pages: 543-547
Defects and electrical behavior in 1 MeV Si+-ion-irradiated 4 H–Si C Schottky diodes
Journal of applied physics [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 99 Issue: 1 Pages: 013515
Experimental evidences of carrier distribution and behavior in frequency in a BMFET modulator
IEEE transactions on electron devices [IEEE], Volume: 52 Issue: 11 Pages: 2374-2378
Ion irradiation of inhomogeneous Schottky barriers on silicon carbide
Journal of applied physics [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 97 Issue: 12 Pages: 123502
Miniaturizable Si-based electro-optical modulator working at 1.5 μm
Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 86 Issue: 20 Pages: 201115
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices [New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Professional Technical Group on Electron Devices, 1963-], Volume: 52 Issue: 11 Pages: 2374-2378
Real time ATP bioluminescence monitoring on 3D printed LoC by highly sensitive SiPM
Optical Microsystems OµS19, Anacapri, Island of Capri, Italy, 9-11 September, 2019 [],
An Innovative Optical Chem-Sensor Based on a Silicon Photomultipliers for the Sulfide Monitoring
Convegno Nazionale Sensori [Springer, Cham], Pages: 75-81
High sensitive ATP bioluminescence detection based on SiPM and 3D printing technology
Fourth National Conference on Sensors, Catania, Italy, 21-23 February, 2018 [],
The 13th World Congress on Biosensors, Miami, USA, 12-15 June, 2018 [],
2017 IEEE SENSORS [IEEE], Pages: 1-3
Silicon photomultipliers with embedded optical filters for wearable healthcare applications
2017 IEEE SENSORS [IEEE], Pages: 1-3
Continuous Wave fNIRS with Silicon Photomultiplier
37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'15) [IT],
CY5 fluorescence measured with silicon photomultipliers
2014 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS) Proceedings [IEEE], Pages: 284-287
Photocatalytic properties of Nafion membranes containing graphene oxide/titania nanocomposites
2014 IEEE 9th Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC) [IEEE], Pages: 54-57
The Silicon Photomultiplier: Optimum design, performance, applications
2014 Fotonica AEIT Italian Conference on Photonics Technologies [IEEE], Pages: 1-4
SiPM as novel optical biosensor transduction and applications
2014 Fotonica AEIT Italian Conference on Photonics Technologies [IEEE], Pages: 1-4
Design and development of a fNIRS system prototype based on SiPM detectors
Silicon Photonics IX [International Society for Optics and Photonics], Volume: 8990 Pages: 899016
Potentialities of silicon photomultiplier
Silicon Photonics IX [International Society for Optics and Photonics], Volume: 8990 Pages: 899018
Silicon photomultipliers applications to biosensors
Silicon Photonics IX [International Society for Optics and Photonics], Volume: 8990 Pages: 89900T
Optimized silicon photomultipliers with optical trenches
2011 Proceedings of the European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC) [IEEE], Pages: 183-186
Understanding dark current in pixels of silicon photomultipliers
2010 Proceedings of the European Solid State Device Research Conference [IEEE], Pages: 265-268
Compact instrumentation for radiation tolerance test of flash memories in space environment
2010 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Technology Conference Proceedings [IEEE], Pages: 652-655
Dark count in single photon avalanche Si detectors
Optical Components and Materials VII [International Society for Optics and Photonics], Volume: 7598 Pages: 75980Z
Preliminary radiation hardness tests of single photon Si detectors
Silicon Photonics V [International Society for Optics and Photonics], Volume: 7606 Pages: 760607
XXIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana [],
Glucose oxidase characterization for the fabrication of hybrid microelectronic devices
Bioengineered and Bioinspired Systems III [International Society for Optics and Photonics], Volume: 6592 Pages: 65920T
VII Giornata di Studio su Biomateriali e Biomeccanica [], Volume: 1 Pages: 311-320
New method for the detection of enzyme immobilized on Si-based glucose Biosensors
SENSORS, 2006 IEEE [IEEE], Pages: 478-481
Design of a RCE photodetectors based on the internal photoemission effect
Integrated Optics, Silicon Photonics, and Photonic Integrated Circuits [International Society for Optics and Photonics], Volume: 6183 Pages: 61831Y
Correlation between Leakage Current and Ion-Irradiation Induced Defects in 4H-SiC Schottky Diodes
Materials science forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 527 Pages: 1167-1170
Thermo-opto-electrical analysis of an optical modulator integrated in a silicon planar structure
Optoelectronic Devices: Physics, Fabrication, and Application II [International Society for Optics and Photonics], Volume: 6013 Pages: 60130K
Si-Based Resonant Cavity Enhanced Photodetectors at 1.55 μm
Frontiers in Optics [Optical Society of America], Pages: JWA62
Proceedings of 2005 IEEE/LEOS Workshop on Fibres and Optical Passive Components, 2005. [IEEE], Pages: 265-270
A miniaturizable integrated Si-based light modulator
Optoelectronic Integration on Silicon II [International Society for Optics and Photonics], Volume: 5730 Pages: 94-101
Defect evolution in ion irradiated 6H-SiC epitaxial layers
Materials Science Forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 483 Pages: 485-488
Silicon carbide: Defects and devices
Solid State Phenomena [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 108 Pages: 663-670
Ion-beam induced modifications of titanium Schottky barrier on 4H-SiC
Materials Science Forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 483 Pages: 729-732
Ionizing radiation effects on NROM memory cells
Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference (NSREC) [],
Damage formation and evolution in ion-implanted crystalline Si
Materials science with ion beams [Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg], Pages: 147-212
Silicon resonant cavity enhanced photodetectors at 1.55 μm
Sensors And Microsystems [], Pages: 504-509
Sensors And Microsystems [], Pages: 504-509
Sensors And Microsystems [], Pages: 3-13
Electro-Optical Modulators in Silicon
Optical Interconnects [Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg], Pages: 53-95